The Best Start In Life

We must build esteem and character if we want results. We teach each other to appreciate ourselves and only then will we see change.

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Photo: efiug Community Desk hands over start-up capital to a group member in 2021
Building Personal, Professional and Social Knowledge.

The Best Start

Institutions should be able to support women to attain the required skillset in work as much as women should be interested in understanding what works for them and how that contributes to their personal lives. Every new day is a new opportunity for women to learn, grow in knowledge and thrive in a better world. We Must take that opportunity!

Understanding oneself-one's capabilities, provides room to learn, room to adjust and explore possible opportunities available for women and girls to thrive. The Everyday Equality strategy is all about empowerment to Learn and Execute the things we believe give us the best Kick-off. Our quarterly webinars aim to guide young girls and women, how to start in life, where to start and some of the most important things every women needs to know.

How women and girls start in life is core to how they progress, live and interact with challenges associated with Violence Against women and Girls. These conversations not only shape us, they provide opinion and opportunities to seek change, support and services dear to women.

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A transformative experience

Our Experience as young adults is normally challenging. I am grateful to the organisation because now i'm more aware of my worth as a woman, a working woman and a mother.

BSIL Participant, Joy