Policy Center

Where We Stand: Violence Against Women & Girls The Eliezah Foundation promotes public policies that promote safety for women and girls.

efiug priorities

Where We Stand: Violence Against Women & Girls

The Eliezah Foundation promotes public policies that promote safety for women and girls. As we work through safeguarding women and girls, we also learn other factors constant in protecting women and girls.

Comprehensive Health-Care Services for Survivors

EFIUG advocates for comprehensive health-care services for survivors of violence, including first-line support, injury care, and mental health services. EFIUG’s efforts have resulted in the establishment of specialized services in over 30 health centers.

Integration of VAWG Services into Health Programs

EFIUG supports the integration of violence against women and girls (VAWG) services into sexual and reproductive health, HIV, maternal, and child health programs. EFIUG has successfully integrated these services into 25 major health programs, improving access for thousands of women.

Training for Health Workers on VAWG Response

EFIUG promotes the training of health workers on responding to VAWG to ensure sensitive and effective care. EFIUG has trained over 2,000 health workers, leading to improved care for survivors.

Multisectoral Collaboration

EFIUG advocates for multisectoral collaboration to address VAWG, including partnerships with police, justice, and social services. EFIUG’s collaborative approach has enhanced service coordination in 15 regions, improving survivor support.

Community Awareness and Prevention Programs

EFIUG encourages community awareness and prevention programs to address and reduce VAWG. EFIUG’s awareness campaigns have reached over 500,000 people, significantly increasing community engagement and reporting.

Legal and Policy Reforms to Address VAWG

EFIUG supports legal and policy reforms to enhance protections against VAWG and promote gender equality. EFIUG has influenced key legislative changes that strengthen VAWG protections and support survivor rights.

Where We Stand: Sexual & Reproductive Health

Our commitment to Sexual reproductive Health is portrayed in the work we do with partners and how our communities are involved in planning and service delivery.

Accessibility and Inclusivity:

EFIUG advocates for all health facilities to provide age-appropriate quality information and services to all adolescents, irrespective of their ability to pay, disability, marital status, school status, education level, location, and ethnic origin. Services must be delivered in a youth-friendly environment that addresses the needs of adolescents and non-adolescents alike. This initiative has successfully increased service utilization among marginalized groups by 25% in 2023.

Data Collection and Utilization:

EFIUG advocates for all health facilities to collect, analyze, and use data on service utilization and quality of care, disaggregated by age, disability, and sex, to support continuous quality improvement. This policy has led to more targeted and effective interventions, resulting in a 15% improvement in SRH outcomes.

Comprehensive Service Provision:

EFIUG advocates for health facilities to offer a comprehensive package of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services, including sexual and reproductive health education, contraception, STI prevention and treatment, maternal health care, and post-abortion care. Implementation of this policy has seen a 30% increase in the uptake of comprehensive SRH services in 2023.

Adolescent Involvement:

EFIUG advocates for adolescents to participate in all stages of planning, implementation, and evaluation of SRHR services to ensure their perspectives and needs are adequately addressed. This inclusive approach has resulted in a 40% increase in adolescent satisfaction with efiug SRH services in 2023.

Training and Capacity Building:

EFIUG advocates for all service providers and duty-bearers to receive orientation and training on a comprehensive SRH package, including issues affecting adolescent health, to enhance their ability to deliver youth-friendly services. This initiative has improved provider competency, leading to a 20% reduction in service delivery errors for efiug in 2023.

Outreach and Service Points:

EFIUG advocates for services to be made available through various platforms, including schools, universities, community centers, mobile outreaches, home-based services, workplaces, and recreational centers, to ensure maximum accessibility. As a result, SRH service coverage has expanded by 35%, reaching more adolescents in remote areas in 2023.

Preventive Measures:

EFIUG advocates for efforts to focus on delaying sexual debut, increasing contraceptive use among sexually active adolescents, and preventing adolescent pregnancies and their consequences, including the prevention and management of sexually transmitted infections (including HIV/AIDS), mental health issues, and substance abuse among adolescents. These preventive measures have contributed to a 20% decline in adolescent pregnancy rates in efiug supported areas in 2023.

Support for Vulnerable Groups:

EFIUG advocates for special attention to be given to hard-to-reach, vulnerable adolescents, including those in humanitarian and fragile settings, to ensure they receive the necessary SRH services. Targeted efiug interventions have successfully increased service access for vulnerable groups by 28% in 2023.

Community and School Linkages:

EFIUG advocates for strong linkages between schools, communities, and health facilities to promote integrated and coordinated SRH services. This integrated approach has enhanced community involvement and increased SRH service utilization by about 22% in 2023.

Cultural and Gender Sensitivity:

EFIUG advocates for all SRH messaging and services to be clear, simple, accurate, gender-sensitive, culturally appropriate, and age-appropriate, respecting the rights and responsibilities of adolescents and young people. Efforts in this area have improved cultural acceptability and gender sensitivity, leading to a 85% increase in SRH service engagement by monarchs across the country.

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Join us in pushing for federal policies to advance gender equity. We support strong laws to close the wage gap, provide paid sick time and parental leave, protect pregnant workers, curtail sexual harassment and more.

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In Your Region

Around the country, efiug activists are helping to advance legislation and services to protect women and ensure economic security for them and their families.

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There are lots of ways to get involved with efiug’s work to advance equity. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of women and girls.