Community Spaces.

efiug community spaces are a beacon of hope for survivors of violence across Uganda.

Photo: Participants of the Business Incubator Discussions speak during a QA.
Why It Matters

Leveling the Playground

we want equity on a leveled ground, that can accomodate us based on our beliefs, abilities and aspirations. We want our voices to be heard, we want our worries to be understood and addressed and we want spaces that allow us to achieve all that.

Spaces that can understand our GBV Survival Voices, Our need for a best start in life, and to find and stay in work, these are the voices that matter to us as women.

Thanks to efiug's Speak Out Projects:

  • There's been 109 community dialogues held in the past year to provide platform to women and young girls to share, discuss and find solutions to challenges related to GBv and girls development.

Create a Free Voice World

Your rights matter as much as every other persons rights. learn to listen to other women and girls and find out how to support their voices to reach their intended targets.

The Official Residence Of the Eliezah Foundation Initiative
Policy Center

Where We Stand: Promoting Women's Voices

Women must be Encouraged to speak out, their voices heard and positively reacted to. These voices normally come from deeper thoughts and commitments for change that may require vigorous interventions but aid progress on VAWG.

Take Action

There are lots of ways to get involved with efiug’s work to advance equity. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of women and girls.